With the holidays over and many classics put away for the season, it’s tough for many to imagine the first signs of spring ever emerging. So to get you over the hump, it’s important to look elsewhere for inspiration, namely, these five Instagrammers who should help keep your feed interesting until the spring.
Our recent video subjects are also on Instagram, where you can follow the travels of this awe-inspiring muscle car.
Based on Phoenix, Patrick Ernzen has a knack for figuring out how to make some of the world’s prettiest cars look even better with a desert backdrop.
@ozsnaps is quite active in the classic car scene, with a small collection of interesting cars to call upon for the occasional canyon blast.
German photographer Johannes Huwe focuses on adventure and nature photography, but that doesn’t mean you won’t see a ton of vehicles in his Instagram feed.
You’ve seen his work here before at Petrolicious, but one of the shooters behind the Italian enthusiast site 2cromia.com also maintains an active Instagram feed that’s worth your follow.