The brilliant thing about our online networks is that it allows us to more easily indulge in our passions. Photography is one such passion that platforms like Instagram have helped fuel for many people who wouldn’t normally be able to share their snapshots with such a wide audience. Here, racing drivers, scale model adventurers, a dealer, and street photographer show that all you really need to get excited about photography is a camera.
Cool cars help, too.
Jochen Mass is fast. He’s awesome. And he has an Instagram filled with behind-the-scenes photos from his adventures…but still less than 1,900 followers. Let’s fix that!
Kim Leuenberger travels around the world with tiny cars, and those cars are placed, posed, and primped to look, well, real. The result is a feed filled with, dare I say it, photos of happy-looking cars!
Sam’s a racing driver, and, it turns out, a pretty great photographer. Besides, there have been quite a few Listers featured recently, and we never get tired of seeing those at the track.
Being a car dealer and photography enthusiast would have been a rough life 20 years ago when all you had to work with to offer a car was a dingy back-of-the-newspaper classified ad. With @coolnvintage, the photos are so sweet that it’s almost not fair that the vehicles are often also for sale. Must…resist…
Yes, this is an account featuring only profile shots of the cars you already know and love. Simple. Maybe that’s why we love seeing @nycars photos in our feed so much.
Not to boast, but our account is usually pretty great…