Porsche Paradise: Every Single Photo We Took At Luftgekühlt 3

Porsche Paradise: Every Single Photo We Took At Luftgekühlt 3
Our friends Patrick Long and Howie Idelson are two people who, at this point, need no introduction in the Porsche community. What they’ve done over the past three years to cement the future of air-cooled Porsches as cult icons is nothing short of sensational.

We were incredibly lucky to have last year’s event take place just around the corner from our offices at the Bandito Brothers HQ. By comparison, however, it was a humble affair. Last weekend, thousands of people descended upon Modernica in Downtown LA for what was—outside of Rennsport Reunion —one of the greatest Porsche events we’ll likely ever attend.

I'm going to keep this post light to allow you to fully soak up the sensory overload that was Luftgekült 3. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the people and cars from the event in the coming weeks.
Note: This page has more than 140 high-resolution images…please be patient as it loads!

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