5 Instagrammers Worth Following, March 10th Edition

By Alex Sobran
March 10, 2017

The arrival of Friday means another roundup of Instagram accounts to satiate your needs for vintage cars and the photographers who do them justice. This iteration is a gathering of motorsport action, production cars, the life of a TV director who shares our interest in 4-wheeled transportation, an exploration of Porsche’s road and race machines throughout the years, plus a view into the Australian classic car scene. I hope you enjoy this collection, and if not, speak up and let us know what you’re craving in its place. 

Tom Shaxson’s work has been featured on Petrolicious in the past, but if you’re looking for more, @tshaxson is the place to find it. Showing an appreciation for every breed of car and location, you may stumble upon an M1 Procar in a lonely parking space or a Lancia 037 in downtown London. There’s a lot to take in, and it’s worth the time spent scrolling. 

Dave Rook’s @motorsportinpictures account is home to a dizzying amount of rare cars, and he shares them through unique angles, clean panning shots, and a few detailed close-ups to round it out. There seems to be a slight lean toward Ferrari, so if you’re a fan too this is a good place to get your fix.

We wouldn’t be Porschelicious if we didn’t show you some Stuttgart steel would we? Luckily Paul Geudon’s account displays a big swath of the brand’s creations, so if you’re not into early air-cooleds that’s okay because here, try a 919 slinking its way around Big Ben instead. There’s something for every P-car enthusiast within @paulgeudon’s photosets, and there’s a good chance you’ll stumble on an interesting story while you browse.

Do you have a pulse on Australia’s vintage enthusiast scene? @theobtainer certainly does. Shoring up photos from sanctioned events, random street-sightings, and small get-togethers alike, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the depth and breadth of what’s on offer. From Countach to Carabo, the gang’s all here. 

Mike Gilbert doesn’t have the same percentage of his account, @therealmikegilbert, dedicated to cars as the rest of this week’s group, but sometimes it’s nice to pull back a little bit and see how a car enthusiast with a good eye can show us how they see other parts of the world. Don’t be mistaken though, there’s definitely some automotive candy in here too. Also, fighter jets. Which if the words “fighter” and “jet” put together aren’t already supremely cool enough, the photos of them making banked turns inside canyons ought to help with that. 

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