Spring is fast approaching for some and waving goodbye to others, and as the world turns and another week goes by, so comes another cluster of Instagram accounts to populate your already car-dominated feed. Nobody works for an unbroken 8 hours every day without a few bathroom breaks, and anybody would agree that studying also requires some time for artistic automotive viewing in between highlighting the first and last sentence of each paragraph in your downloaded textbook too.
Enjoy the weekend, and if you’re trying to avoid other people or have any other sanctioned downtime, check out these talented photographers while you’re at it.
This might not be everyone’s opinion, but I think a lot of Pawel Litwinski’s photos look like panels from a comic book—so when you’re scanning through rows and columns of distinctive cars overlaid on complementary backgrounds, you’re doing a lot better than Dilbert on Sunday morning.
Scott Dennis handles details and non-frame-fillers with a certain level of what I can only describe as accuracy. This might cause a little bit of bitterness with anyone who really likes their preset filters, but I think the way Dennis’s portfolio presents a crisp and unpretentious style is a warmly-received antidote to the waves of VSCO-powered pages out there. Of course you’ll find your standard bokeh’d macros and whatnot as well, but I wasn’t lying about the other stuff being there in numbers.
As an unabashed fan of touring cars and the German ones in particular, Steph Clarke’s group of Group A E30 shots is exactly the kind of goldmine in an account that I and anyone else who likes these cars would be happy to stumble across. E30s are not the sole inhabitants of this page, though if you hate them I’d turn elsewhere because that’s the best part unless you like ultra low German cars, in which case you’ll find a score that as well.
The slightly nostalgic bent of Rob Cooper’s photography has a little tint of pathos in each shot, and aren’t we all a little wistful for the times of these cars’ heydays and the eras of design and motorsport that our relentless technological evolution will never loop back to? Maybe that’s blurry or flowery or whatever, but whether you feel similarly or not, it’s an uphill battle to argue these images as anything but downright pretty.