An Inside Look At The Tour de France Automobile

By Petrolicious
May 3, 2015

Photography by Rémi Dargegen

Most of the world’s more affluent nations have hosted epic road races, with often the most grueling contests formed in countries who housed pioneers of the auto industry. Examples? Italy’s Mille Miglia, the Nürburgring Nordschleife Circuit in Germany, and the world’s first 24-hour race, held in 1907 at Brooklands in the UK. The Tour de France Automobile, first held in 1899, was reborn in 1992 as a long-distance classic car competition, similar to the Mille Miglia. Petrolicious photographer Rémi Dargegen was on-hand to capture the sights of this year’s event, officially named Le Tour Auto Optic 2000.

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emmanuel pont
emmanuel pont
9 years ago

Hi ! thank you for these beautiful pictures !
I was in the Alfa Romeo Giulia Super #109 (petrolisti in the race 😉 !) : wonderful week !!

team blitz
team blitz
9 years ago

Great stuff, love the pics! We are restoring the 1972 Grp2 winner of the T de F, the #64 Ford Capri RS2600 raced by Jean Vinatier.

One correction to the opening paragraph, however. The world’s first 24-hour automobile race was NOT Brooklands. It was Columbus Ohio:

Bouchet Christophe
Bouchet Christophe
9 years ago

wonderful, splendid fotos.
but what about a picture of the winners ?
jaguar E type n°202 ?

sly moroso
sly moroso
9 years ago

[b]Beautiful[/b] Fotos!!!!
Thank you, Rémi and petrolicious

Nick Ayrton
Nick Ayrton
9 years ago

Always one step above of the rest.

Keep bringing us this maravillosas fotos!

Mercí Boucoup,
