Artful Details That Will Draw You In
Photography by Brewster Moseley
Photographer Brewster Moseley has an unusual mission: to find and document beauty where most people would see only decay and decrepitude. He has photographed stained glass windows and artistic architectural details in dilapidated 19th Century buildings—but, importantly here at Petrolicious, he also finds interesting abstract designs in rusting, vintage trucks and automobiles.
Where to find vehicles interesting enough to photograph? Auto salvage yards, of course, primarily in Montana and Idaho.
Moseley says his interest in primitive textures began as a young boy after receiving a gift of Kenyan carvings from his grandfather. Moseley began collecting African art, including antique weaponry and Makonde carvings from Mozambique.
One day, while photographing Victorian brothels in Butte, Montana, Moseley saw and admired an old REO Speed Wagon. He began looking for other rusting vehicles and found several junk yards nearby. Shooting the old hood ornaments, abstract designs made by rusting paint and, in some cases, mangled metal, was rewarding.
After finding beautiful designs in places few would imagine that beauty could be found, they’ve since become has become the focus of his professional career. Moseley’s photographs have been on display at the Great Frame Up in Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan, and he has had shows at the Murphy Auto Museum in Oxnard, California; the Marco Island Centre for the Arts, Marco Island, Florida; and the Artists Guild Gallery in Vero Beach, Florida.
For prints and more information, Moseley’s website is www.classiccardesign.com