It’s something I’ve long wondered, especially after recently taking a long road trip where a dash-mounted iPhone and Google Maps were my only guide. Car enthusiasts must be among the last holdouts to use paper maps, right?
I imagine that we’d be the most nostalgic for days past, where man and map could venture off and explore the great unknown. I still have one map book that I’ve kept, a Harley-Davidson Ride Atlas from the time when I was starting to think about getting a motorcycle that never quite materialized…
It’s been some time since I’ve flipped through a road atlas, and a recent trip to a bookstore confirmed that they’re pretty handy and very useful—but they won’t automatically re-route you around construction jams, display your car in a bird’s eye view, or gently remind you that you’re exceeding the posted speed limit.
I think this will be an interesting discussion: Do you still use maps? Why or why not? Or, perhaps just as valid: do you feel guilty, in a sense, for using GPS?
Image Sources: flickr.com, doubletakesblog.com, flickr.com, flickr.com, wordpress.com