Restored Royce Rolls Once Again

By Petrolicious
April 4, 2013

For our new Forum Report feature we scour the internet in search of the best threads, the kind of hidden gems that you can read from beginning to end and not notice time pass. Check back frequently for new links to great build documentations, restorations, crazy engine swaps, “show and tell” threads, and everything else we love about automotive forums.

For our inaugural report we’ve found a guy restoring a RHD 1967 Rolls Royce Shadow. As purchased the stately old girl was relatively clean, and from what we gather a pretty good bargain to boot. It had presentable paint, nice interior, and the wood trim needed only a re-laquering to bring it back to its best. It even ran pretty well—the only major problem is that it didn’t move, the fault of a dead transmission. Easy fixes, right? Well, not so much. As anyone who’s ever embarked on a “partial” restoration will know, there’s no such thing as a partial restoration, the old Roller proving to be no exception.

Full of great photography, detailed and entertaining updates and good reader interaction, we really enjoyed this thread, and we’re sure you will too.

Click here for the forum thread.

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2 years ago
Burt Munro
Burt Munro
11 years ago

Tranny is pretty cheap and easy, it’s a TH400 on a post 70 LHD model anyway…

Regardless, talk about squirting lighter fluid on money and lighting a match – they made more of these than one could imagine. A rolls for the Plebes with cash. Might as well restore a mid-80s Honda Accord, same level of exclusivity. You can buy Silver Shadows by the dozen for under $10K. Really, really nice ones are maybe $15K.

Fun car to ratrod though. Flat black, slap a junky domestic drivetrain in it, go play with the yokels.

11 years ago

Piggybacking off Terrence… or for the threads that have build posts across pages and pages, see if you can get permission to consolidate them into an article here

Afshin Behnia
11 years ago
Reply to  mattdogg02

Great idea, Terrence & Matt! We’ll check into that.

Terrence Dorsey
Terrence Dorsey
11 years ago

Free idea: edit these well-documented build threads into print-on-demand books (or an electronic equivalent). There’s so much fantastic knowledge hidden away in online forum threads like this that should be mined for posterity.

Kyle Howe
Kyle Howe
11 years ago

Not a huge Rolls fan, but it’s good to see these kinds of stories. Looking forward to your future forum posts.