Goodwood is synonymous with some of the best vintage events of the year, and whether it be the period-correct Revival or the half hillclimb, half art show that is the Festival of Speed, there’s no shortage of moments and machines that warrant at least a few reality-checking pinches on the arm. While they are all worth it and then some of course, arguably the best weekend of the year to be in Chichester, England is during the Goodwood Members’ Meeting. There’s a wide selection of events to choose from if you want to see some of the world’s best vintage race cars, but if you want to experience them being wrangled around a packed-tight track with in-period boldness, this should top your list.
It’s hard to say how to best spend your time at something like this; do you prioritize trawling the pit and display areas waiting for the next group to depart with the high-octane-infused air being cut by the sounds of cold starts and engines warming up in preparation for the track? Or do you stake out a choice vantage point in the grandstands and park there for the day, taking your eyes off the action only to check the program for the next heat’s cars to come. Whichever you choose though, it’s bound to be a memorable time, and I’m willing to bet for most of us that a big part of the value in events like this comes from looking back on them days or decades later, when you’ve descended from automotive heaven back to whatever happens before and after seeing a Ford GT40 looking for traction on the edge of a turn next to a Lola T70 doing the same.
So whether you’ve attended many, a few, one, or one yet to happen, enjoy some of our favorite images from the 75th edition of an event we hope will be continue for many years to come.