Auto-Archives is a nonprofit automotive and motorsport library and research center (with 501(c)3 government status). They own an impressive, 100,000+ collection of historic motor racing images and felt that the best way to share such an wide array of motor history was by highlighting a special group of images and presenting them in a fantastic 12×12-inch, large format book: Pit & Paddock. The selected images give the reader an insight into life off the track, and behind the scenes at race meetings throughout Europe. These unique never-before-seen images portray a world that is long gone.
For this book to become a reality Auto-Archives is reaching out to the motor racing and enthusiast community via Kickstarter. This is where we, the Petrolisti, come into play by spreading the word and helping to fund this worthy project.
But first a bit of background: photographer Peter Darley became hooked on motor racing first by racing a Mini Cooper in the UK back in the ‘60s, and they by travelling to as many races as possible. Due to his central locations, he photographed many great races, at many great circuits, and consequently visually chronicled the golden period of motorsports in the ‘60s and ‘70s.
Auto-Archives became a reality when author William Taylor decided to share the treasure trove of information pertaining to the automotive world stored in his office. He wanted to be able share his enthusiasm for all things automotive with a much broader audience and thus launched the nonprofit organization to enable fundraising to catalog, protect, and promote the work.
To help with the campaign and get your own copy of Pit & Paddock, click here.