As much as I would love to channel my inner Jack Olsen, I unfortunately cannot subscribe to the one-car-to-do-it-all philosophy. Although I already have one car that I am incredibly happy with (a BMW 2002), I still find myself always looking at other cars. For me, cars are a bit like shoes: you generally don’t have only one pair to wear to work, play sports in, and then go out on the town; rather, you have a few different types of shoes to go along with their respective activities. In respect to owning cars, it’s nice to have a more comfortable daily driver, a car more set up for the track, a convertible for those sunny days, and something a bit out of the ordinary.
Is this a sickness? Most definitely, but it’s a sickness that a lot of you out there can probably commiserate with.
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For your automotive passion, does one car do it all, or are multiple cars necessary?