The Acura NSX Is Faster because it’s Better (3 of 4)

By Yoav Gilad
October 30, 2014

Photography by Yoav Gilad

If you haven’t yet, read part two of the Acura NSX test-drive story.

The blaring alarm shattered my well-earned rest. “Damn.” The room was still dark although high, bright sunshine was visible at the synthetic curtains’ edges. My phone read nine AM as I turned off the alarm. My wife grumbled next to me. I pulled the sheet back, walked across the room, and tore the curtains open allowing the sun to invade the cool calm.

“We’re not in Austin yet,” I announced in transit to the bathroom.

After the usual morning rituals, which now include packing, we walked out to the already-baking Acura NSX and hit the road. Having been the lowest flying aircraft the previous day (and covering a more aircraft-appropriate distance of about 970mi), we were ready to relax. I can’t recall the town’s name where we had finally pulled over the night before, or maybe I never knew it, but we only had to cover about 100 miles (160km) to one of my favorite towns in the US.

In contrast to the previous day, we weren’t going to touch the interstate highways, instead electing to only take back roads. And the difference was as wide as Texas’s prairies. Instead of uninspired corridors jammed with minivans driven by the comatose, the two-lane blacktops opened up before us emptily across an increasingly hilly panorama.

Once in a while we’d encounter a pickup truck that would actually pull onto the shoulder to allow us to pass more safely! I’m still astounded by this gesture and have never encountered it anywhere but Texas. We stopped at a few roadside attractions, taking time to enjoy our pace.

In spite of the heat and sometimes-sustained high speeds, the Acura NSX ran well. The temperature gauge never fluctuated and the air conditioning was reliable and cool. We bought a pecan pie and worried that it might suffer from being packed in the trunk, but I was too obsessive-compulsive to allow it in the passenger cabin (crumbs!) even though it seemed well wrapped.

We entered Austin and promptly got lost, heading a bit too far north but soon found our way and wound up at one of my favorite BBQ spots for lunch, Stubb’s. I learned about Stubb’s a long while ago because they make my favorite BBQ sauce (discovered as a child) and when on an earlier road trip I happened upon the restaurant I was overjoyed. Fortunately, they also make some of the softest, slow-cooked meat in the US. There are a couple other equally good (perhaps even better) BBQ spots in Austin, but standing in line for hours for anything (let alone a piece of meat) isn’t my kind of scene.

My wife, Marcia, had never been to Austin and I was eager to show her the town, but first: lunch! I ordered the brisket, fried okra, mac n’ cheese, and a Shiner Bock. If you’re wondering if it’s healthy then Stubb’s probably isn’t for you. In fact Texas probably isn’t for you, either. Much like what I drive, I prefer to enjoy what I eat rather than worry about its potential detriment.

Our bellies full, we wandered back to the Acura to search for a hotel. Heading south on Congress towards the Continental Club, I remembered a boutique hotel across the street from the Club, a couple of years back. I can’t remember if it was the same place back then, but the Hotel San Jose was there and, while expensive, it sure was comfortable and quite the hip spot. We parked the car, unloaded everything (including the slightly-deformed pie), and checked in.

We then headed back out on foot to enjoy Austin, browsing vinyl in a record shop we passed in an alley, vintage clothing, and of course, Amy’s Ice Cream. At sundown we joined the crowds on the Congress Avenue Bridge over the Colorado River to watch tens of thousands of bats fly out for their evening insect hunt. It’s amazing, there are so many bats that you can actually hear their ultrasonic pinging. Or maybe you’re just hearing the flapping of thousands of wings. Either way. Below us, paddleboats, canoes, and tourist pontoon boats gathered to watch the daily spectacle too. And as the bats streamed out from under the bridge, each burst of Independence Day fireworks (it was July Fourth) in the distant night sky momentarily illuminated their silvery-black bodies.

Now my wife isn’t a fan of country music so we [sadly] skipped the Continental Club, and found a spot further north, eschewing Sixth St. as well since it’s mostly for underage college kids. It was just some small bar with a mediocre rock band that drank more than they played. But that was OK, it gave my wife and me time to talk. In hindsight, it makes me smile that after about four days spending nearly every moment together (not to mention our honeymoon a month earlier) I found myself preferring to talk to her rather than be entertained. We enjoyed some local beers before stumbling home and having some pecan pie in bed for dessert.

The following morning, a bit hungover, we skipped breakfast as we were back on a schedule. I hoped to meet one of my heroines the following day in Santa Fe, New Mexico and so I pointed the car northwest to Abilene.

We weren’t in Texas hill country for too long, but it was long enough. Until now, we had primarily been on very straight, flat roads. Even the day before, cruising into Austin many of the roads had been very long drag strips. But in the hills outside Austin the Acura NSX came alive.

In order to avoid incriminating myself (in case anyone is actually reading this), I’m going to have to write very generally about locations and routes so I hope you’ll forgive me. The following takes place in the plains, hills, canyons, and gulleys between Austin and Santa Fe. The speeds achieved were in no small part due to excellent sight lines as there is a relative lack of vegetation in this region.

Once we had cleared any traffic, ascending to the top of a hill I’d scan from the valley ahead up to the next ridgeline. If it was reasonably clear I’d accelerate, pedal buried in the carpet, passing through the ton barrier, through 110, 120, until we’d begin climbing the next hill, ease off the gas, and coast to the top. Marcia was cool. We went through some tight canyons too, where we never got out of second gear, riding it from 3000rpm up to its 8000rpm redline. I had enjoyed the NSX’s song before, but hearing it bounce off of canyon walls as the timing changed and the note went from a deep roar to a screaming wail was awesome.

And even though I overcooked the entry into some corners thinking I could just back off the gas and coast, leaving me to rely on the brakes to save our hides, the anti-lock brake system never engaged. The NSX stayed cool and composed. Entering bends, the turn-in was quick and direct. Everyone’s familiar with the automotive ‘go-kart’ cliché, but in the case of the NSX’s un-boosted steering, there is a very tangible connection to the road. Most importantly, you can place the car precisely where you want it, a result of the steering and great visibility out of the cockpit.

And it was between Austin and Sante Fe, having executed a perfect heel-toe and pointing the car into a turn that I sloughed off my automotive prejudices like our excessive speed. I’ve driven Ferraris and Lamborghinis. And you know what? They’re not great to drive because of the compromises they require. Want a gated, chrome shifter? Cool me too! Here’s a calendar to measure the speed of your shift. A howling V12? Super! Enjoy the understeer-to-snap-oversteer transition!

Sure, they have more power, but that only makes up for their lack of chassis tuning, steering feel, and braking ability. And doesn’t count too much on the roads I drive. Mostly, the power is there so you can outrun the idiot next to you to the next stoplight and therefore justify your six-figure purchase. They may be a bit prettier or have more presence, but at the cost of ergonomics. Anyway, are you interested in driving or in having teenage boys boost your self-esteem? If you’re concerned with the driving experience like me, there are, maybe, a handful of cars better than the NSX.

At some point in the past, car magazines convinced us that the Italians, Germans, and Brits were better because they’re faster when in fact the Acura NSX is faster because it’s better.

Shortly after we left Austin that morning, we were pulled over in Lampasas, TX for speeding. In spite of what I’ve told you about our speeds, it was actually quite a surprise because I don’t speed through towns. Ever. Typically, small towns on the way to nowhere have an officer parked just within the city limits where the speed limits drop nabbing people just passing through, to line the hamlet’s coffers. I’m not going to claim the officer lied, but perhaps he was a little eager with the radar gun?

“How much power does this thing have?” the officer asked.

“About 270, sir.”

“You’re using 250 more than you need to,” was his quick calculus.

I wondered how many people had sat through his math lesson. Even more surprising was that he let us off with a warning! Perhaps comporting yourself professionally (and not conceding anything) works. It was also there that I realized how good the NSX’s seating position is. I can’t make the comparison from personal experience, however, judging from photos it seems that Honda’s designers also mimicked the F-16’s slightly relaxed seating position. And here on the fourth day of the drive, I still didn’t have any fatigue from the seat.

We passed through some thunderstorms around the New Mexico border and the NSX remained composed and easy. And when the sun came out again we stopped at Billy the Kid’s [real] grave (there are two), which is less than picturesque as it’s now surrounded by a steel cage because people keep stealing his headstone. Santa Fe appeared around sunset, which was spotted with amber and burgundy clouds. It was actually a bit chilly due to the altitude and earlier rain, but we endured the weather and awful dinner on a second floor patio overlooking Santa Fe Square.

I had set out on a 3500 mile test-drive, but only needed a few hills and canyons to completely, unequivocally fall in love with the NSX and it happened on the way to Santa Fe. It isn’t a bad car to drive slowly as is the case with so many other supercars. It’s perfectly content to commute or go grocery shopping. But the NSX also rewards you for pushing it and the harder you push, the better it gets, which stands in sharp contrast to many other cars that just get scarier. Comparing the NSX to the Ferrari 348 (its primary competitor when launched) is like comparing a Hendrix solo to Beethoven. Jimi Hendrix was a virtuoso and genius who revolutionized guitar-playing, but also a one-trick pony. Whereas Beethoven knew how to assemble all the pieces to create a symphonic masterpiece, just as Honda did with the NSX.

I was looking forward to tomorrow and having breakfast with that aforementioned heroine, as well as getting home and hitting my favorite SoCal canyons with the NSX. It’s just so good.

Continue reading part four of the Acura NSX story

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Gordon Beveridge
Gordon Beveridge
10 years ago

Honda NSX, north american retards.

10 years ago

Definitely buying one. How soon? Can’t tell. Hopefully not before I retire or be unable to drive fast without wetting my pants. I’ve been eyeing this beauty ever since it first came out (and when I found out Vanilla Ice owned one HAHA!) Well come to think of it, I was able to actually own one, in scale form though, a Tamiya. In a land where Honda’s are very common, the NSX is a unicorn here in the Philippines. There are more Skylines and Supras here than NSXs. To date, I have only seen 3, 4 if I’ll include one of the JGTC NSX which graced an old international car show.

Anyways, looking forward to Pt. 4

10 years ago

A lovely reading, thank you!
I’d counter your opinion regarding Hendrix, but I won’t. But I have to say something about 348. It was rubbish. Other than it being Ferrari (and looked rather fantastic and sounded great), NSX was miles and miles better than 348.

TJ Martin
TJ Martin
10 years ago

Eeesh ! I somehow passed over the Hendrix as a one trick pony comment . Shame on y’all Yoav . May the gods of the blues and R&R reign their condemnation down upon you ! Eeesh . One freaking trick pony indeed . Too bad Miles [ davis ] isn’t still around . He’d have your head for that one my friend ! Fact is … I can hear him spinning in his grave faster than his 308’s engine .. all the way up here …. Eeeeesh ! You and I gotta have us a serious heart to heart over this one Yoav . A very serious one indeed . Eeeesh !

Ae Neuman
Ae Neuman
10 years ago

a most enjoyable 3rd installment.
all it needs to complete it are some photos of the great food and of the vinyl.
cars, food, vinyl = the holy trinity

Ryan Kildee
Ryan Kildee
10 years ago

I want to enjoy your writing, but calling Hendrix a one trick pony and limiting him to nothing more than a guitar solo is just ignorant. Nevermind the useless f bomb.

TJ Martin
TJ Martin
10 years ago

Yoav – Of course its snowing in the mountains here . Fact is two ski areas are already open and a couple more probably will be after this Monday’s front is done with us . As to the ‘ Continental ‘ Next time y’alls down that way … you need to see if any of your connections can arrange a face to face with the owner for you . His Custom and Hot Rod collection is to die for ! [ His cars have been featured in TRJ several times ] If you can’t .. perhaps I may be able to help on my end .. wink wink

But err … Yoav ? Perhaps some of the writing may be leaning towards being a little over generalized . I mean … food thats good for you isn’t good ? No healthy food in Texas ? Heck … I know of at least 20 food trucks in Austin alone with food thats good for you that’ll knock yer socks off … never mind sit down restaurants 🙂

PS; Yoav . Any clue why the Reply function doesn’t work on my end ? My being a bit of an internet luddite and all …being of a certain age … lol . FYI – Winky Face don’t much work either … sniff

10 years ago

Hi Yoav. I’m enjoying your article. Brings back memories of the yellow NSX one of my friends owned. Great car. Just one thing. My nine year old son enjoys this blog too and I can’t say I’m impressed to see the word “fuck” on here.
I’d like him to be able to enjoy your work so perhaps less expletives please.

10 years ago

Just have one thing to say after reading your reports. I WANT ONE!!

TJ Martin
TJ Martin
10 years ago

Here’s how I’d sum up the NSX in a nutshell ;

When puttering around town its as docile as your favorite elderly aunt’s Honda Accord . Step on the gas though and it transforms into a scalded cat that if not treated with respect will bite/scratch you deeply .. all while blowing off all its contemporary’s of the day as well as a few of the current exotic bunch with ease

But errr … Yoav ? Y’alls got the very wrong impression of the ‘ Continental ‘ Yeah there’s the occasional country band or two on the stage from time to time .. but at its roots and the majority of the time its one serious down and dirty Blues /Blues Rock Club .. Perhaps the wife wouldn’t much care for that either [ mine wouldn’t ] but I just thought you should know … wink wink ; Rock On ! – Drive On – Remain Calm [ despite it all ] and do please Carry On

PS; If’n y’all in the end decides to keep this here NSX … let me know .. I’ve got a little something rare and special for you to go with it . Gratis of course 😉