20 Of Our Favorite Photos From Rolex' Monterey Car Week Coverage

20 Of Our Favorite Photos From Rolex' Monterey Car Week Coverage

Photography Courtesy of Rolex

The Monterey Car Week has drawn to a close, and as our coverage continues, it’s worth noting just how many companies were around—though not like marketers or advertisers, more like compatriots. Watches and cars have a deeply-rooted history, and Rolex was keen to capture this connection during this year’s Monterey events. As you’d expect, it did a great job; here are our favorite shots.

It’s a form of partnership that’s pretty unique, where Rolex was out, taking photos of classic cars as they roared around Laguna Seca or along the coast. If you were in an event or just participating, there’s a good chance Rolex captured a small slice of your experience, too.

Beautiful photos are better than a tacky gift bag or tire pressure gauge, right?

H/T to Rolex

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