5 Instagrammers Worth Following: August 25th Edition

5 Instagrammers Worth Following: August 25th Edition
We all enjoy looking at the cars that capture our aesthetic interests; whether that be in person, through some kind of screen, or even just conjuring the images in your head before you go to sleep in a very scientific attempt to "drive" our favorite cars in our sleep (no one else does this?), and when we put talented photographers in front of these dreamy machines that's just a bonus. A good photograph holds immense persuasive power—think of how many times pretty pictures have led to poor financial decisions!—and below I've collected a handful of accounts that wield it. Enjoy!

Paul Madden's page is a veritable color palette. It's full of vibrancy, but it never falls victim to the cluttered competition between magentas and blues that so many attempts at this style fall victim to. Aside from the overall look though, the cars and the compositions are similarly well done, featuring a nice mix between close up frame-filling detail shots and full car shots with dramatic backdrops, and just about every kind of vehicle on wheels, from vintage Funny Cars to priceless Goodwood participants.

Thomas Lavin has perfected his style, and this is clearly evident in the consistency of his portfolio. Don't mistake this conformity for mundanity though, as the similarities between his shots doesn't mean they aren't worthy of standing on their own. There is an almost wet look to these photographs, and the richness of color that he achieves without straying from the true-to-life hues makes his work just that much better.

Sylvain Gaudi has some pleasant car photos in his Instagram account, but the reason to check it out rests on his sketching ability. With graphite and paper he creates perfectly proportioned vintage icons imbued with a kinetic presence that even the best motorsport photographers can learn from. While Adobe products allow us to create larger than life images, the ability to draw truly unlocks the reality defying perspectives on these beloved automobiles.

Rafael Martin spends some time around some wicked cool bits of kit, not the least of which is the Papaya McLaren shown here. When he isn't shooting millionaire toys or John Campion's truly awesome collection of Lancia race cars, he applies his talents to vehicles that are a bit more relatable to the rest of us. All the things he shoots though are treated with care though, and while his editing can approach the overdone mark, it never really tips over that line.

Jack Passey is both consistent and not; the shared thread through Jack's work is one of quality, not "feel." What I mean is that he is adaptable and extremely adept at capturing any number of styles. From studio shoots to photos out in the wild and off the asphalt. From black and white to otherworldly colors, bright and airy to moody darkness, this is a jack and master of all trades.

The Petrolicious Marketplace will always be adding new cars, and there is already a healthy amount of good stuff in stock. Plus, the photos are of the same quality you've come to expect here.

Petrolicious' official account has your extended bathroom breaks and boredom at board meetings more than covered. If you're trying to kill time and look at some exquisite cars from around the world, stop by for a while and see what we've been up to.
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