Borrowing A 912 Porsche In France Is Highly Recommended

Borrowing A 912 Porsche In France Is Highly Recommended
Vincent Perraud is someoneI've been personally following on Instagram for ages. We've featured his work in our Instagram roundups before, but when he shot me over a dropbox full of stunning images from a recent road trip in a 912, I had to know more.

He rented the car fromRoadstr.FR which is apparently a bit like AirBnB for classics. What he loved about the service most is that you are connected to passionate classic owners who are excited to share their ride with you for a short period of time. Vince and his girlfriend took what they called the "little spaceship" on a weekend trip to Bourgogne where they cruised the countryside on crispy winter's morning.

At any rate the photos turned out just beautiful and I'm excited to share them with you.

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