Cars and People Share Spotlight in Photos to Describe Each Other

Cars and People Share Spotlight in Photos to Describe Each Other

The majority of Ryan Schude's commissioned work (as well as a great deal of his personal work) includes elaborately staged (or post-produced) portraiture that captures an instant in time. Additionally, the use of an incongruous detail coupled with a broken 'fourth wall' gives Mr. Ryan Schude's photography an uncomfortable interactivity. His photos also tend to have an unnatural balance and symmetry to them that adds to the dynamism. Most importantly however, they all tell a story.

Ryan is also a car guy, and if you check out his personal work, he's spent quite a bit of time treating cars spotted on the street in much the same manner as his living subjects. In his "Them and Theirs" series, Ryan again uses much of the elaborate staging used in his portraits and treats vehicles as props to describe their owners. But due to their prominence, the cars usually acquire a personality of their own and in some way, the owners begin to describe the cars. There is a very cool, eerie relationship between his subjects and the props he uses to tell a story.

To see more of Ryan's personal work, click here.

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