Want To Own A Car From 'Ford v. Ferrari'?

Want To Own A Car From 'Ford v. Ferrari'?
We recently wrote about a Ford GT40 MKII from the filmFord vs. Ferrari going to auction in January. But now it seems a whole treasure trove of cars from the film is now available in Southern California.

Hollywood Picture Cars owns the lot; they either bought original cars or had reproductions made, all to rent to the filmmakers, and is now offering them to the public. For the right price, of course, and with some admittedly needed some much needed TLC.

Some of the cars are just fiberglass bodies with fake engines, but some of theFerrari ,Porsche ,Ford andAston Martin clones were made for high performance. After all, the racing scenes in the film aren’t CGI. They were done by professional drivers at high speeds, so these cars have superior power, brakes and suspension along with serious safety features.

Oddly, there is also a group of 19 ‘62 and ’63 Ford Falcons available; these were used in the Ford factory scene and are in varying degrees of disassembly, all with six-cylinder engines and with a variety of automatic and three-speed manual gearboxes.

If you are interested in any of them, however, you’d better act fast, as many of the cars are already gone.
*Images courtesy of Randy Richardson and Merrick Morton / 20th Century Fox
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