"You must join me tomorrow at Palais du Pharo for a car show!" Naturally I obliged, only to turn up the next day at a fantastic 19th century palace overlooking Marseille harbor, covered in a delightful mix of automobiles, none the least of which was Ferry Porsche's very own 911s (pictured above), owned by Mr. Mathieu.
The show was part of a series of events put on in the Provence region by the good people behindAutAu, which you can learn a bit more about by clicking here. They also may have a listing of the cars and owners that were present, however my French is as rusty as a sunken ship.

I unfortunately arrived later in the day than originally planned, so was only able to snap photos of perhaps 80% of the cars, and didn't get a chance to speak with the majority of their owners, but if you have specific questions