Petrolicious' Father's Day Gift Guide, Part 2: Apparel, Accessories, Watches

Petrolicious' Father's Day Gift Guide, Part 2: Apparel, Accessories, Watches

This is the second half of our Father’s Day Gift Guide. You can view the art, books, and models portion from last week here

Does the sight of Halloween-themed aisles of your megastore of choice before summer’s end make you feel a little sad for the consumeristic side of humanity? Do you not feel like being reminded of which decorations soon need to be dug out of their year-long storage space months in advance? So does everyone. However, like quite a few things that have been blown out of proportion by businesses that have also been enlarged beyond reason, there is a core nugget of logic to it. It’s not really important to make sure you know when every single holiday occurs, there are some that are imbued with true symbolism.

It’s impossible to honor everything there is to about fatherhood in a single day or a single gesture, and it is because of the immense meaning and countless memories that there is such a strong reason to make sure that what we do decide to spend this time on is reflective of the importance of the relationship being commemorated.

There is no pretense that giving your dad something from our store will encapsulate the meaning of and gratitude for all the time spent together, but if your idea (we think it’s a good one) of an ideal Father’s Day involves something automotive that the two of you have a shared enthusiasm for, we can help out. After all, it’s very likely that he’s sacrificed a few T-shirts to the garage-rag requirements of teaching you about cars, so why not pick out a nice new one to bring it full circle?

We would be humbled to learn that Petrolicous' content has in some way found itself into the shared interests of you and your father, and if so this could serve as a reminder of the conversations you've had about the cars that interest you. Or hey, maybe the old one's turned into one of the aforementioned car rags by now and he's in need of a fresh one—we don't mind, that's some well-earned shirt-patina!
Petrolicious Tees:

If he's already decked out in our shirts—in which case, right on—our selection of shirts from Curb are more than adept at bringing that interior passion for automobiles to the surface. Not gaudy and pasted with massive "Check it out: CARS!"-type of graphics, instead these designs are tastefully drawn, thoughtfully laid out, and have just enough subtly and show to them.
Curb Tees:

Did you learn how to drive with your dad peering on from the passenger seat? Did you get a little nervous perhaps, not wanting to disappoint by stalling or some other blunder? Maybe your hands got a bit sweaty thinking about that. How about paying tribute to those times with a pair of quality driving gloves from Autodromo or Outlierman? Of course, maybe the two of you spend some time in vintage cars together and have had to contend with wood-rimmed steering wheels in the summertime, in which case you already know the joys of a confidently controlled wheel.
Driving Gloves by Autodromo or Outlierman:

If you insist on playing the classic gift game this year with a tie, we also carry a selection of automotively-themed neckties by Outlierman. Dressing up doesn't have to be devoid of a little internal combustion.
Neck Ties by Outlierman:

If Dad's into cars too, he's also likely the type to appreciate when all the pieces of a good drive are in place, and the contact point between pedal and person is certainly a big component of that. Take care of this part the equation for him with a pair of driving shoes by Piloti that provide out-of-car style and ideal feel inside the pedal box.
Driving Shoes by Piloti:

If you're reading a Father's Day guide ahead of time instead of frantically pawing through the bent leftovers of Hallmark cards on the day-of, you have a respect for being adequately prepared and on time. You know where this is going, so instead, take a look at some of our favorite modern chronographs from Autodromo that channel the spirit of driving and motorsport.
Autodromo Watches:

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