These 5 Instagrammers Know How To Capture Speed

These 5 Instagrammers Know How To Capture Speed

“You’ve got a great eye,” is what you should say if you find yourself in front of a photographer whose work you enjoy. What makes an awesome “eye” is a bit difficult to explain, except to say that you’ll know it…when you see it.

Luckily, it’s easier to show you what we mean without getting overly philosophical: these photographers almost always get things right, and are definitely worth your follow.

Ron Zaras is usually somewhere, and if we had to guess based on the photos he’s posted in the last week, we’d say “airplanes” is a safe bet. All this traveling does something to a person, and many of his shots retain a spirit of adventure and discovery.

Anything we’ll write about @willroegge will sound like hyperbole, so we’ll just let his work speak for itself. Follow him!

Jeff Zwart has been around fast cars—mainly Porsches—for decades as a director, racer, and photographer. Remember “the eye” mentioned earlier? Jeff’s are dialled in.

Being a senior contributor at Speedhunters means that Larry Chen is, well, a speed hunter. It also means his feed is often an enviable mix of fire-breathing Japanese classic, fire-breathing Italian exotic, or fire-breathing…

You get the idea.

With such a clean style of shooting, Tim Brown usually impresses upon us the feeling that if we’d been standing next to him, the scene would have looked pretty much the same. He often shoots track photography—so don’t forget to scroll back far enough to see his set from Goodwood this year.

You follow us, don’t you? Well, here’s a taste of what we’ve been posting...

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