Uh,yeah . Located near the centre of London, England, it’s a facility operated by the same team that’s behind the Classic Car Club, a private membership with around 50 classics at their disposal at nearly any time.
And with so many vehicles to store for members and customers, the practical and almost boring-sounding business of “storing”, maintaining, and using classic cars the right way ends up looking quite magical.

Jayson said that once he turned his lens on the subjects housed within the cave-like (though well-lit) underground storage facility, it was clear the well-organized space could cater to just about anything, from tiny Fiat 500s to modern supercars.
If you’ve ever wondered what winter brings for the world’s classic cars, in London it seems quite a few are quite cozy. Until spring…
Special thanks to Car Vault London and Classic Car Club for opening their doors and accommodating a photo shoot.