What Project Are You Working On?

What Project Are You Working On?
We recently featured the story of aVolkswagen Beetle that has been with its owner so long that he doesn’t remember a time when the Bugwasn’t around. Based on the number of modifications and changes the car has undergone, it’s both a rare tale of lifelong ownership and a lifelong project car. What we spend time on says a lot about us—what project do you have in the works?

One of the aspects of Michael Adams’ Beetle I definitely relate to is in having a nearly 30-year “attachment” to a vehicle, though my family’s collector car wasn’t modified at one point into a pseudo-Baja machine…which I will say sounded like a lot of fun.

A project doesn’t have to be an entirely new body or concours-grade paint job—it could be as seemingly easy as tracking down the correct lens for a vintage marker light. Speaking of, Ishould be working on the 914, but instead I’m typing this story: what project are you working on?
For those of you who see light at the end of the tunnel as far as your project car goes, feel free to send us its story!

Photos by Alexander Sobran & Tad Orlowski
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