Color Inspiration: Burgundy

By Petrolicious
January 29, 2013

Design and color have a large part to play in the history of the automotive world. Here, we’ve married the two things together for the purpose of showcasing some automotive beauty.

Dark red cars may be more understated and less dramatic than flashy, reckless, bright red ones, but that definitely doesn’t make them any less appealing.

What’s your favorite shade of red car? Which is your favorite car below?

Photo Sources (clockwise from top left): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

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Erick Gamboa Mora
Erick Gamboa Mora
10 years ago

The best color for a BMW E34.

James Cameron
James Cameron
12 years ago

I will always lean towards the understated beauty of dark red. Of course there will always be exceptions, but bright red has always been that little bit too much. With the deeper version you get the ‘passion’ without the misunderstanding that you might not know anything about the car you’re driving! (A crude generalisation I know)
On a side not, I have always been particularly fond of a pale bule exterior with burgundy interior. A classic combination.

Afshin Behnia
Afshin Behnia
12 years ago

That Fiat 8V Supersonic takes the cake for me.

Andreas Lavesson
Andreas Lavesson
12 years ago
Reply to  Afshin Behnia

I also though it was a Fiat 8V, but it turns out two Supersonics were based on the Jaguar XK120. One of which is depicted here. It is however uncannily similar to an 8V.

Andreas Lavesson
Andreas Lavesson
12 years ago

Different cars look good in different colors obviously, but in general I’d have to say that my favorite shade of red would have to be burgundy or bordeaux (claret?) or something similar.

However, it is absolutely impossible to pick a favorite of the cars above. All I can say is that it’s not the Tatra or the Cadillac.

Ryan Hoyle
Ryan Hoyle
12 years ago

This might be my absolute favorite of these. Just beautiful pictures.

Ryan Hoyle
Ryan Hoyle
12 years ago
Reply to  Ryan Hoyle

My favorite one though… hm…
The alfa picture is stunning, the ferraris are great in any color, but I think I really like that 911 in burgundy. I haven’t seen one that color before and it might be my new favorite for them.

Christopher Gay
Christopher Gay
12 years ago

This is easy for me as it is one of my all-time favourites. 250S.
… or the Alfa, of course.

Zippy Gordon
Zippy Gordon
12 years ago

In agreement…so, so beautiful!