Made To Drive | S11 E1
Magnus Walker’s 1980 Porsche 924 Carrera GT: The Unloved Outlaw
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Made To Drive | S11 E19

1930 Hudson Great Eight: The Globetrotter

A 77-year-old woman circles the world in a 78-year-old Hudson.
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MR 2cv
MR 2cv
5 years ago

One of those people i truly respect! Great women, great car, great story!!!

Ed Wullinski
Ed Wullinski
6 years ago


6 years ago

Please, someone tell me that this is merely the trailer for the feature-length version of this lady’s story.

Fredrik Assarsson
Fredrik Assarsson
6 years ago

Congratulations on the best video so far on petrolicious!
Such a sweet film, empowering and inspiring. The best.

Echt toll!

6 years ago

To do a world tour at 77 y in a car from 1930. Say no more, I just love her

6 years ago
Reply to  Peter

I have tears in my eyes..just such a beautiful person

6 years ago

Fantastic story. It’s been a while since we’ve seen such a great story here. Well done. An inspiration for all of us with wander lust.

Dwight Watts
Dwight Watts
6 years ago

Being from Detroit and remembering the Hudson Plant, makes me proud to know that this beautiful and brave woman drove a piece of Detroit history around the world. A great story!!!

Robert in LA
Robert in LA
6 years ago
Reply to  Dwight Watts

I am a former Detroiter as well. Apparently the Hudson who founded the car company was the founder of Hudson’s Department Store as well: the one where, almost certainly, as children you and I both rode the escalators at Christmas and saw dazzling displays of mechanical toys. My Grandfather had a late 30’s Hudson, an ‘airstream type’, but until now, I never really knew about these very early, up-right, and formable touring cars. Quite amazing.

Jaime Baker
Jaime Baker
6 years ago

Fantastic story! I absolutely loved it. How many of us would be brave enough to attempt this?

6 years ago

My goodness, what a moving story! She is such an endearing lady, full of wit and gumption. “Petrolicious: come for the cars, stay for the storytellers”.

Bill Leavens
Bill Leavens
6 years ago

That was simply fabulous. Thank you!

carl helmetag
carl helmetag
6 years ago

Jawohl! I just love this. Wonderful. Danke!

Paul Steel
Paul Steel
6 years ago

Wow, incredible woman, great adventure, great story, thanks for bringing it to us.

Robert in LA
Robert in LA
6 years ago

What a lovely fairytale. Really charming. Told by a märchen prinzessin herself. When I was perhaps 20 years old, I drove a Honda 450 motorcycle from Boston to Seattle traveling almost entirely on 2 lane roads, and sleeping in fields and barns. When I reached Seattle, I had had so much fun that I was ready to cross the country in the other direction, perhaps to Florida. But I had to stay in Seattle and work.

6 years ago

I don’t know what to say, but I have to tell someone how amazing her story is. This is the best video so far! I wish her many many more happy miles!

6 years ago

Great story/video really appreciate your effort Petrolicious team, this is real life inspiration. Great job.

6 years ago

I met this lady in Field BC at a gas station. I was impressed enough to buy an old 47 Merc flat deck to make a camper out of. Maybe not around the world but a great experience of understanding the life of your elders.

6 years ago
Reply to  Catimann

I need to add: @ Adam Donovan, try turning on the CC (bottom right of center) and you get the english translation.
I love how excited she gets when she says it now even reaches 100!

6 years ago

so inspiring and uplifting, well done petro.

Adam Donovan
Adam Donovan
6 years ago

Just awesome….humbling in the profoundest sense. Wish I understood German, but it’s almost unnecessary..she puts out so much heart. May we all be more like Heidi…..

wing nut
wing nut
6 years ago

Inspiring, motivating, humbling, awesome. A terrific film about a captivating woman. As for the car, few are made like that today!

dennis white
dennis white
6 years ago


Craig Roberts
Craig Roberts
6 years ago

Heidi ist wunderbar!

Terrific video.

James Jensen
James Jensen
6 years ago

I wish I had half the cojones she has

Robert in LA
Robert in LA
6 years ago
Reply to  James Jensen

While I know nothing of your circumstances, my guess is that you could travel somewhat like this if you wanted to. More than bravery it requires a willingness to sleep in your clothes on a foam mat, and bathing less often than you would like. This aspect of this kind of traveling is not glamorous. As a young man, I used to do this in ancient VWs Beetles, a VW bus, or on a Honda 450 cafe-racer. I found myself so enchanted with the landscapes of the American West and that loss of convenience and comfort didn’t matter.

6 years ago


6 years ago

At the age of Heidi, i want to be like her!
Great history!
