Rear View Prints Wants You To Have Some Free Artwork For Your Device
If you’ve just purchased a new computer, or else are getting a little tired of the wallpaper that greets you each time you check your phone, then the artists behind Rear View Prints have a treat for you. As a perfect complement to their crisp full-size pieces (which, shameless plug, are available in our Shop), they are offering free high-resolution downloads of their designs for use on your desktops, laptops, tablets, readers, smartphones, smart fridges, you get the point. To get your free digital art, head over to their site to download the collection and choose your favorite.
Such a basic thing as the background image on your series of screens doesn’t seem like it’d play an important role in your life, but it’s one of those underlying pieces of your day that you subconsciously “interact” with regularly. It’s akin to your key ring, the tone of your morning alarm, the smell of your shampoo; things that don’t mean much in isolation, but are the components of your routine that subtly combine to make a life. That went off the deep end of melodrama, but it’s not wholly exaggerated either; shouldn’t something that you look at so often be beautiful if you can help it?