Are You Ready For A Future Where Displacement is Replaced?

By Ian Davies
September 8, 2015

There is an often quoted saying in the motoring world that there is “no replacement for displacement”. This means that in order to maximise performance, a large capacity (displacement) engine is required.

Ladies and gentlemen, in case you haven’t noticed—even the Porsche 911 will be (mostly) turbo-only from next year—we are currently in the midst of a revolution in engine technology, and there most certainly is a replacement for displacement…and it is here already.

The internal combustion engine, the “traditional” engine that we all know and love, hasn’t changed very much in the past 100 years. Yes, there have been huge efficiency improvements during this time through electronic control systems, advances in materials and engineering, etc., but the fundamental principles of the motor have hardly changed at all. Until now.

For quite some time now, electric motors have been quietly augmenting the combustion engine in the form of hybrid power units—with remarkable results.

For example, in the racing world, modern Formula 1 engines deliver around 850 horsepower from only 1.6 litres (less than 98 cubic inches) of displacement, by using turbocharging and a regenerative hybrid electric motor. The electric motor not only gives additional power, but it can be deployed extremely precisely to enable smooth torque delivery throughout the entire operational rev range, filling the gaps around the peaky turbo power delivery and effectively eliminating turbo-lag.

The net result of this is that the engines of 2015 can deliver approximately the same performance as the previous generation of larger displacement combustion-only engines, and also use 30% less fuel. The electric motors have also added to the racing spectacle by allowing additional power to be deployed at strategic points during the races to assist overtaking, for example.

It’s the same story at Le Mans. The top LMP1 category in the famous 24 hour endurance race has been won every year since 2012 by cars with hybrid engines. In 2015, the winning car had only 2 litres (122 cubic inches) of displacement in its combustion engine, and this car finished the race 59 laps ahead of the nearest non-hybrid car from the same racing class. That’s progress for you.

Similar technology can now be found in road cars, too. The McLaren P1, the Ferrari LaFerrari, and the Porsche 918 Spyder all comprehensively outperform their predecessors by using clever hybrid technology, delivering greater performance yet using less fuel and producing lower emissions. A true win, win, win situation. 

And it’s not just exotics, either, with almost all manufacturers currently either already offering, or actively investing in hybrid technology. The BMW i8, for example, in its first generation currently delivers a combined power output approaching that of the legendary BMW M3, from a displacement of only 1.5 litres (91.5 cubic inches) across 3 cylinders.

Similar technology can also be found in our every-day commuter cars too, with Toyota, Volkswagen, Ford, and many others, all offering hybrid electric models in their range. With such a new technology already delivering major benefits, and with the relative stagnation in development of the combustion engine, it is no surprise that almost all manufacturers are spending large chunks of their R&D budgets researching ways to make electric motors and hybrid-electric engines even better.

So where is this taking us? Currently, the electric motor is doing a great job in supplementing the combustion engine, but the technology is not there yet for it to replace it completely. It’s not about performance. We see cars like the Tesla Model S delivering performance that can humble many established supercar manufacturers, and it does this with a displacement of precisely 0. That said, it doesn’t yet have the range to allow it to act as a suitable replacement for anything other than short journeys, and the relative sparsity of recharging stations and lengthy recharging times do not help this either.

However, with the massive investment in this technology, we will see rapid progress resulting in electric motors quickly gaining in prominence before (likely) ultimately taking over and replacing the combustion engine as the primary power delivery mechanism in our vehicles. The combustion engine could still be there, but it will play a smaller and less significant role, eventually being relegated to little more than an on-board charging station for the electric motor, before disappearing altogether.

Also, in time, the fuel source is unlikely to be gasoline, with hydrogen appearing to be the most likely candidate for replacement, either as an alternative fuel source for the combustion engine or in the form of hydrogen fuel cells powering the electric motor.

So, one thing is clear: the days of large capacity gasoline engines in mainstream production cars are coming to an end. This saddens me in one way because I love the visceral experience of a big V8 as much as anyone, but I am also excited about what the future holds. Sports cars and supercars, despite having smaller capacity hybrid engines, have lost absolutely nothing from the overall experience.

They still sound as fantastic today as they always did, but now they have even greater performance thanks to their incredible technology, and deliver this despite tough environmental and efficiency requirements. Our every-day commuter cars will become more boring and mundane, but the new generation of sports cars are both exciting and charismatic, which is exactly how it should be.

If we can learn anything from this, it is to look after our current cars because they are the last of a dying breed, but also to embrace the future: because it really is full of promise. 

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jack smith
jack smith
4 years ago

ring the article, and more importantly, your personal experienceMindfully using our emotions as data ab out our inner state and knowing when it’s better to de-escalate by taking a time out are great tools. Appreciate you reading and sharing your story, since I can certainly relate and I think others can too

Darrin Warner
Darrin Warner
9 years ago

Why does no one discuss the elephant in the room and that mass EV cars are a long way off. The us power infrastructure will not be able to support a massive onslaught of new EVs. Much less the spending it will take to add recharge stations wide enough to support the new cars. This is if they even get the recharge time down to say five minutes. And the amount of natural gas and coal to charge all of these cars will be crazy. Unless we go to nuclear I guess. In its current form it will just be for boutique cars and pipe dreams. Replacement for displacement? Hardly.

Christopher Gay
Christopher Gay
9 years ago

I’m down.

I love old cars, but I also love innovation and technology and development. Although I don’t own one, I would have no problem driving a hybrid or electric or “other” vehicle if I liked the vehicle.

Sure, it’s a different experience than a vintage racer, but of course it is.

There is no racing I look forward to more than watching Porsche take it to Audi. The speeds are astonishing. Sign me up.

Douglas Anderson
Douglas Anderson
9 years ago

OK , yes I get it . Hybrids, turbo charged , electric regenerative braking is not just the way of the future any longer, it’s today’s technology. But for crying out loud dudes , please at least give me the simple pleasure of the sound of a V-8 rumble at idle, and the sweet song of a small block coming up to peak RPM while changing gears.
My wife tells me I am a stick shift person stuck in a turbo charged world and to get over it.
I’m not giving up YET !!!!!

Tom DesRochers
Tom DesRochers
9 years ago

Am I ready for such a future?

Well, if Ford would offer an emission legal swap package for the Ecoboost 2.3 engine (similar to what GM has been doing for years with their “E-Rod” crate motors), I would love to have one for the Maverick.

Guitar Slinger
Guitar Slinger
9 years ago

#1 Simple matter of fact . EV’s have no long term viable future .. just ask .. BMW – Toyota – Daimler Benz etc etc et al ad nauseam who only employ EV/Hybrid technology in order to shut their government regulators up . Hydrogen … is the future . Fact is the only true believer when it comes to EV’s in particular ironically is the same true believer that over states each and every performance/range claim they make … e.g. TESLA [ talk about ” Everybody Lies ” ]

#2 F1’s KERS is in fact a Press to Pass function that even by the drivers own opinions … never mind the engineers is anything but smooth or seamless and in fact is an over complicated , fragile and unreliable technology that has done more to ruin the ‘ sport ‘ of F1 than any technology previously employed

#3 The same can be said for the so called ‘ hybrid ‘ technology in the LaFerrari , Porsche 918 and McLaren P1 . Its all about the show and nothing to do with environmental etc issues … and they definitely ARE NOT Hybrids .

#4 The ONLY …. and I do mean the ONLY genuine Hybrid supercar on the road and the only one that fully exploits the limited benefits of hybrid technology is in fact the BMW i8 . Just like the ONLY EV that can be considered a viable and true EV is the i3 . All others are posers using Hybrid / EV as a marketing ploy rather than once again having anything to do with environmental concerns , genuine advantages/benefits etc

#5 Simple fact is there is no substitution for cubic inches . Not Turbos … not press to pass hybrids … nothing . Case in point ? Drive a V6 Mercedes back to back with its i4 turbo counterpart . Oh off the line they’re similar .. but drive them both for more than an hour or two and you’ll quickly find out why you should of bought the V6 instead of the asthmatic turbo i4 . Here’s a better one . I’ve already stated my appreciation of the i8 . But drive one back to back with an Audi R8 for more than the previously mentioned two hours and once again … guaranteed …. you’ll chose the R8 … even if you hate Audi as much as I do ! Fact is you’ll take a 911 over the i8 in a heartbeat

But finally . What in the Sam’s Hill is an article like this doing on Petrolicious’s website ? Sorry to be blunt but this is more Jalopnik tripe than Petrolicious worthy material

Guitar Slinger
Guitar Slinger
9 years ago
Reply to  Guitar Slinger

Oh …. and by the way … a major league bit of Myth Busting .

Neither the McLaren P1 [ over the decades old F1 ] LaFerrari or the Porsche 918 have lower emissions that their predecessors . And thats a fact !

Chris J bu11ish
Chris J bu11ish
9 years ago
Reply to  Guitar Slinger

Pardon my ignorance but what are Tesla, Nissan Leaf etc. if not EVs?

Can you expand on your point #1 as to why EVs have no viable future?


Biker Joe
Biker Joe
9 years ago

Fine by me! Gas is only going to get more expensive. My only demand, is that I can actually “drive” the car myself!!

Guitar Slinger
Guitar Slinger
9 years ago
Reply to  Biker Joe

Oh really Biker Joe ? Had a look see at the current oil prices ? Any clue what’ll happen to them once the Iran treaty is ratified ? Suffice it to say …. invest your money elsewhere cause gas prices is only gonna come down … not go up !

As stated in the longer post . Hydrogen is the way of the future . And the best part ? Any ICE can be converted to Hydrogen for a minimal investment

Ronnie M
Ronnie M
9 years ago
Reply to  Guitar Slinger

[quote]Any ICE can be converted to Hydrogen for a minimal investment[/quote]

Minimal investment is a bit dubious. There would also be a major hit in power. Even BMW has abandon their hydrogen ICE research. If you look at the work they did do, the output to displacement ratios are very low. Almost all research in hydrogen is now in fuel cell applications now.