If you’re going to the Goodwood Revival, well, awesome—you’ll be able to look for us there as we interview enthusiasts, snap photos to share on social media, and take thousands of photos of the proceedings. If you’re not going to be there, don’t fret—Goodwood is streaming the Revival on YouTube. Here’s how to watch.
Beginning on September 9 and running to the 11, the Revival will be broadcast online for three full days (imagine if your local cable company did the same?!) Having watched before, I can attest to the team’s expert coverage and enjoyable commentary—plus the opportunity to see your favorite classic cars battle door-to-door.
I’ve embedded a few of Goodwood Road & Racing’s clips below to give you an idea of what to expect this Friday when watching from the comfort of your office cubicle couch. For what we’re up to, follow #drivetastefully on Instagram, refresh our Facebook page, and check back here once we’ve had a chance to select the best photos from the 2016 Goodwood Revival.
What are you most excited to see at Goodwood this year?