The notion of buying a vintage car, once settled, is usually one of intense personal choice. Which marque, which model, which decade, the list is endless… But once these questions have been answered, the real work arrives. Saving the money, hiding it from your significant other, secretly clearing garage space, and of course, fanatically cruising the web looking for ‘the one’. But alas, the one never quite ‘is’ often because most of us can’t afford ‘the one’.
So it comes to the age-old question; do you buy for looks or performance? We all want to make the rational decision and pick the car with the least issues. But the answer to what you consider an issue often lies in your mechanical skills, bank account, and extended network of automobile enthusiast friends. Sometimes chance decides whether you fall in love with a perfect body even though the motor has long since been discarded, or a shade-tree mechanic sleeper with see-through floorboards and pristine V8 growling under the hood.
So what will it be? All show no go? Or something rough around the edges with a heart of gold?
Photography by Yoav Gilad and via