Made To Drive | S3 E1
Jaguar XK140 Brings Coventry to Compton
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Made To Drive | S03 E18

This Datsun Traveled 37,000 miles on a North American Road Trip

The average American driver puts 13,500 miles per year on their car. Mr. Scott Fisher of Las Vegas, Nevada, added that many to the odometer of his 1967 Datsun Roadster in just the first three months of a recently-completed road trip that ultimately took him to forty-eight U.S. states and seven Canadian provinces. By the time Scott pulled into his garage in Las Vegas for the first time in eight months, he had covered 37,850 miles of the North American countryside.
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Jaguar XK140 Brings Coventry to Compton
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Tony Leong
Tony Leong
10 years ago

Hey Scott, It’s Tony from Calgary. Great to hear you made it. Epic trip man! One day I hope that I can replicate. Take care.

K. Chaplin
K. Chaplin
10 years ago

Highway 33?!? And Ventura. Right?

Jim Bair
Jim Bair
10 years ago

Bravo, Scott Fisher! Bravo, Petrolicous! Well done, sirs.

11 years ago

First off, my hat tips to Scott for taking his time to extensively document this big loop and Petrolicious for shining a light on this amazing story! There’s just something about taking a vintage car/bike to hit up the road with the bare essentials. Especially in a sports car/roadster, one knows that there’s only so much you can bring. I’m not speaking from experience at all, but I can imagine the uncertainty of what comes ahead actually adds to the trip’s memoirs. Things that gives you hiccups or side during the journey will bring you to unforeseen findings, exciting explorations, and sometimes new friends.

One day, I’d like to ride across the land of Canadia with a few mates, from Pacific (where I reside) to the Atlantic, and put it together much like yours, Scott. So thank you once again for the inspiring reads!

Hope your car didn’t sustain any permanent damage and glad that you enjoyed the Canadian hospitality! 😉


Craig Wessman
Craig Wessman
11 years ago

I drove my ’71 Volvo 142S 9500 miles across the US last year visiting my friend’s farm in Iowa on both the out and back legs. Seems that any car of sufficient age and use in rural IA will hit a deer eventually. I used to ask about broken side mirrors but now I know the answer. Had a pleasant dinner with my friend’s extended family one night and found the next morning that his sister-in-law had hit a deer on the way home ($4500 damage estimate). This explains why Bambi is not so endearing to them. Here in SoCal I once hit a cardboard box on the freeway 😉

11 years ago

Inspirational road trip. Excellent adventure! Now I want to take my roadster out for a long trip again! Thank you Petrolicious and Scott. 🙂

Michael Anderson
Michael Anderson
11 years ago

When a friend of mine moved home from California, he shipped his Toyota Corolla back to Spain. At the time, I started thinking about sending my Datsun roadster to Europe and driving it around for a summer.. I don’t know if Scott Fisher has convinced me that’s a great idea, or if I think we have enough great roads here in the US, or maybe I will beg him to let me follow him to Japan. But his blog, this video, and the great reporting by Petrolicious and others has me well convinced. I have to do something like this soon.

Yoav Gilad
Yoav Gilad
11 years ago

I may just follow the two of you…

Emanuel Costa
Emanuel Costa
11 years ago

I hate you Scott! lol
Surely this video and the other story with the amazing pictures are some of the best moments Petrolicious allowed me to ‘live’

Chris Saddler Sam
Chris Saddler Sam
11 years ago

one of your best videos!
+ it’s a beautiful car!

Dragos Adam
Dragos Adam
11 years ago

beautiful car, great car

guys I love your site
I think I’m your greatest romanian fan

11 years ago

Excellent inspiring video Scott and Petrolicious.
Regarding Doug and Dustin’s comments: Well put! I couldn’t agree with you guys more.
I’ve travelled many transcontinental road trips and you guys have nailed it. You have to get out there with the vehicle you love and travel this beautiful continent we all live on. You’ll be amazed that the scenery.
I’m impressed that Scott was able to do the repairs he said on the road, and to top it off wasn’t discouraged on continuing his road trip. And I’ll bet when he did finally get home, he had the urge to turn around and hop back in his roadster and do it all over again.
At least thats how I feel, when it’s me.
Great work Petrolicious. Like always!
I always look forward to Tuesday’s to your video’s
Keep up the great work

Johnny Breinholt
Johnny Breinholt
11 years ago

This lovely video shows exactly what owing a classic car is all about; driving to places you haven’t been before, meeting new people, making new friendships !! As always thanks to Petrolicious for giving us the weekly fix and to Scott for sharing his beautiful car and story 🙂

Dustin Rittle
Dustin Rittle
11 years ago

Great video from the car to the locations this video shows what the car hobby and driving is all about. Its about buying a car you love and enjoying it down the open road of life. It will make you smile and many people along the way. I have always liked the Datsun sports you got all the fun and handling of a British sports car but with a hint of Japanese reliability.

Alexander Bermudez
11 years ago

I have to do this someday… Scott, thanks for the inspiration… Great video Petro!

Ryan Mundt
Ryan Mundt
11 years ago

Fantastic journey! Another great video! Good work all around!

Doug Churchill
Doug Churchill
11 years ago

I’ve followed Scott through his blog (found here on P…licious) and lived his trip vicariously – with great envy. He even drove past my town but that was before I knew of the bolg so couldn’t meet him to share a beer. We should all, at some point, have an adventure. Whether by car, bicycle, on foot or whatever. It’s only when we are free to be ourselves that we find out who we are. Scott is a traveller.