Petrolicious believes in driving tastefully, not only in our actions and words, but also in terms of how we dress. Stylish clothing and accessories are de rigueur. For instance, when driving a convertible a baseball cap will do, however I find a flat cap to be a more stylish option. Then, during winter, turtlenecks and high-collars replace scarves in open top cars (this should especially be true for women who favor long, billowy wraps). If driving a warm, enclosed coupe a nice wool scarf is perfect though, remove it as soon as you’re inside!
My choice of watch will also change according to the car I’m in. When I’m driving something big with presence, I may just wear my slim, vintage Vacheron. Of course some cars naturally belong with some timepieces. For instance, an early 1970s Porsche almost demands a Tag Heuer Monaco.
Some may think it peculiar, but I admire watches and their complex movements as much as I am intrigued by automotive drivetrains. Maybe they both speak to motion; I don’t really know what, if any, connection exists. Regardless, I make conscious decisions about my appearance as I’m sure many of you do too.
So I’m curious, how do you pair your clothing and accessories to your car? And do they change depending on what car you drive?
Photography by David Marvier and Josh Clason for Petrolicious