Made To Drive | S7 E1
This 1973 Honda CB175 Requires Complete Composure
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Made To Drive | S07 E21

This 1957 Aston Martin Mk III Is Perfectly Awful

Largely unrestored and driven often, it’s a prototype that managed to survive all these years
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Carl Loller
Carl Loller
7 years ago

What a beautiful film by Dave on his Aston Martin. I am very similar to Dave in my thinking and approach to my small car collection – I live in the UK and about the same age as Dave I guess, and it was glorious to see his Corgi model car collection alongside his cars – just like mine! More on your collection of cars please!!

Kelly Harris
Kelly Harris
7 years ago

The color grows on you, sort of! But the car is perfect. The Japanese have a term for this. Wabi Sabi when the age and wear make something much more beautiful and meaningful that they would be if new. Our 1966 house is like that. Much original everything.

Kelly Harris
Kelly Harris
7 years ago

Dave, how can I contact you? I’m Eric Green, the nationally known artist in America. I have a wonderful car story that spans two generations, and I doubt it will be rivaled just because of the specific car involved. Look here: quantumrun356.com. Cheers!

Roger Carey (UK)
Roger Carey (UK)
7 years ago

I have just watched Dave’s film and endorse everything he says about his “perfectly awful” car – cars are made to be used and his must be amongst the best of cars in original usable condition. I also have a MKIII which I purchased in 2007 in an “imperfectly awful” state, restoring it over a 12 month period for use as a long distance road/rally car. Since then I have covered over 65,000 miles in it and agree entirely that the MkIII is truly the best AM drivers car for all conditions and a huge credit to Claude Hill, Willie Watson (who designed the original engine for Lagonda when it was owned by WO Bentley) David Brown the entrepreneurial head of Aston Martin and Frank Feeley the design genius who provided the perfect bodies for the pre-war Aston chassis (modified for better rigidity by Ted Cutting) taking it well on into the post war era. I attach a picture of my car from which you will note the only external modification being the removal of the bumpers (fenders) which gives it a more sporty appearance as well as revealing the perfection of the design! Oh dear, no photos as I couldn’t master the technology on the site!

Nick Lewis
Nick Lewis
8 years ago

The DB MkIII has always been my favorite Aston Martin, and Dave’s is hands down the nicest one I’ve seen! She’s perfect how she is, full restoration would wash away the charm and personality of this historic car. I love the color too, can’t find it on any paint chips…what color is that?

Alexandre Goncalves
Alexandre Goncalves
8 years ago

Probably one of the most passionate films Petrolicious did about drivers and their cars!

Altought I’m sure that if it was mine, I would try to restore it, it’s really nice to see the car getting older along with its owner! Not many AM owner would have the personality nor the character to leave their gems looking like this!

8 years ago

Don’t know if that last bit is intended to be an insult or a complement. As the proud owner of this blue beast and having owned and personally restored many post war Astons, I’ll choose to take it as an complement. thank you!

Robert in LA
Robert in LA
8 years ago

I just understood for the first time why the old license plates are tucked up into the upper head-liner frames. The head liner is falling down, and the old plates hold it up.

Simon Sheldrick
Simon Sheldrick
8 years ago

I’ve lurked around Petrolicious for years, enjoying the site in general and the shorts in particular, but I was moved to sign up by this one.

What a fantastic combination of car and driver! This car lucked-in when he came along. And kudos to the Petrolicious crew – you seem to find genuine people who, like many others stricken with the classic car and bike bug, are genuinely happy to talk about them.

Again, a fantastic film. I even heard a slight hint of ‘note’ at the end from that sweet twin cam 6. Keep ’em coming!

Scott Allen
Scott Allen
8 years ago

super sweet, i just wish the vids were longer.

Ivahn Garcia
Ivahn Garcia
8 years ago

Car enthusiast at is finest… Stories like this inspire, no need to modify the car or modify one’s life around a car restoration project. I have nothing against people who find passion and meaning in restoring cars. But this simple, enjoyable relationship with an original car is what inspires me the most about car ownership. Great story petrol.

David Corcio
David Corcio
8 years ago

Another cool video. Great job Petrolicious! It’s great to see people actually enjoying their wonderful cars instead of keeping them hidden behind glass cases in their secluded garages and then hauling them around for a show once in a while.
Also, I see nothing wrong with that color! It’s nice, fitting to the car, and refreshing to see an Aston Martin in a color other than Silver or British Racing Green.

8 years ago

Given this site’s prior article on this car, I wondered when this gem would be featured. What a charming piece. Well done, Petrolicious crew!

Paul Harvey
Paul Harvey
8 years ago

Perfect car, perfect story, perfectly told.
Petrolicious indeed.

Robert in LA
Robert in LA
8 years ago
Reply to  Paul Harvey

Adam’s is easily one of the most erudite and articulate owner-collectors presented in this series. I had never noticed before, for instance, that the shape of the grill and the instrument binnacle echo one another. While Adam’s does not point this out explicitly, he has us looking at both in the same sentence.

8 years ago

I love how he leaves the mud streaks on the rocker panel and rear panels.

Andrew Salt
Andrew Salt
8 years ago

One of my all time favourite Petrolicious films. You guys kick bum. But then I am biased. I love Astons and this just got me. The ‘Staw Hat folk at Pebble Beech comment made me smile. As Ingrt older, I’ve begun to realise it is all about Patina – in the car and in the story and even in the owner if they happen to have owned it long enough to share much of the car’s history like this guy has. I recently met a guy at Shelsley Walsh breakfast club who brought his one-owner beaten up DB5 along. The car had a bit of rust here and there, flacking and rubbed paint, dents, dirt, worn carpets, headlining and leather. It was absolutely beautiful in all its worn glory and the best car there by far. Maybe you guys at Petrolicious could come over to Blighty sometime and do a feature on Shelsley. I’m sure they’d love to have you along. If you time it right, there might even be a Spitfire flying around too.

Robert in LA
Robert in LA
8 years ago
Reply to  Andrew Salt

Yes. I liked the ‘straw hat’ quip as well. A full restoration on something like this is a phenomenal amount of work and money. Things like the out of production rubber bits are the among the hardest to get right. And in consequence of the expense the customer expects and receives a level of perfection which never existed in these cars. In consequence the car becomes this anomaly: this ‘recreation’ of a thing that never was.

8 years ago

Great story. I’d guess he’s in Oregon. I’ll give “guitarslinger” one thing, he’s consistent. He hasn’t met a story he couldn’t take a swipe at. With a name like that he must shred, I hear Liza Minelli is looking for a guitarist.

André Borges
André Borges
8 years ago

Glorious machine! Glorious… This has been the most whimsically simple and honest video so far, representing truly what Petrolicious stands for. I spare no words commemorating the profound connection this man has with true and sincere driving and motorsport. This was grand!

8 years ago

Guitar Slinger, it IS about the story. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Drop the condescending shit and get a life.

Peter McL
Peter McL
8 years ago
Reply to  Highnumbers

Hear hear!

Robert in LA
Robert in LA
8 years ago

This is the kind of interview you people at Petrolicious do best.

Thank you.

Paul Steel
Paul Steel
8 years ago

Really nice video, spot on, and what a find, prototype with Monte Carlo history, wonderful in its unrestored condition, one of my favourites.

8 years ago

Filmed in Stafford Hamlet, Clackamas County, Oregon. mid march.

This period video is very cool.
More on Raymond Baxter @ the start of the 58 Monte Carlo Rally is at 11 minutes in. enjoy

Robert in LA
Robert in LA
8 years ago
Reply to  DP193

Yes! Baxter is there with the car, sporting a front, chromed steel bumper, starting around 11:04. Very enjoyable footage. The lightweight snow shovel they bring with them is an interesting touch.

8 years ago

“…it’s about the story.”
Bingo. The memory of what it was or the dream of what it might be is what inspires my love of cars. You begin to lose the connection to the story as you begin restoring something and I think the term “sympathetic restoration” is appropriate when trying to stay close to that ethos.
Well done.

Guitar Slinger
Guitar Slinger
8 years ago
Reply to  Jared

Sigh .. seriously mate … ” Its about the story ” is a Snowflake/Hipster 21st century phrase that is nine times out of ten a load of hype used to cover up the reality that what’s underneath is in fact a pile of ____ .

Suffice it to say .. its not about the story in the slightest … its all about the substance … with this car having substance …. to spare

Robert in LA
Robert in LA
8 years ago
Reply to  Jared

Yes. This car is just on the cusp of modernity. It still had a live axle. The wheels are wire, not cast. The limit to travel strap on the rear suspension was a pair of woven cotton straps. But there were disk brakes all around, the 2.9L I6 engine reached 195 Hp in the higher specification version, and it was relatively light for a 2+2 coupe at 3,000 pounds. The later cars in the Aston Martin range interest me less. They were over-powered high-speed grand tourers. To me personally represents a kind of pinnacle in their opus from the David Brown era.

8 years ago

which part of the country was this filmed i love unrestored

8 years ago
Reply to  eightup

I think the ferry in the film is the Canby Ferry in Oregon that crosses Willamette River, I think…

Guitar Slinger
Guitar Slinger
8 years ago

I’d call this a driver ….

… and simply perfect !

To borrow a lyric … ” Leave it like it is … its fine ”

.. better than fine actually .. it truly is perfect … and damn any future owner that choses to ruin it .

Bryan Dickerson
Bryan Dickerson
8 years ago

Nicely done!
Mr. Adam’s last quote is right on the money.
