Made To Drive | S8 E1
This Datsun 240Z Gives A Rocket Feeling
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Made To Drive | S08 E12

This Porsche 964 Is The Evolution Of A Driver

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bozeman pantera
bozeman pantera
5 years ago

Well done. You Petrolicious folks really know how to bring emotion into the story based on the texture, lighting and pure love of the sport.
Keep driving your art forward

Edward Maguire
Edward Maguire
8 years ago

Great video, just wish I sprechen Deutsche, as I spent more time reading the translation then I did looking at the great Porsche’s.

Robert in LA
Robert in LA
8 years ago
Reply to  Edward Maguire

You know, I do speak enough German to follow with out the subtitles, and what is written in the subtitle line often captures the facts but not the mood of the speaker, because he is speaking idiomatically, and the familiarity or warmth of that speech belongs to those words. You can always go back and view the video once, twice or three times, until you know the text and car just take in what the videographer has given us. But the writer of sub-titles can never give us the actual words as they came from the man’s lips. And I find myself grateful that Petrolicious gives us the word as they were spoken. The language of garages, of speed, of skill behind the controls of a car, is not easily translated. It is a language that the mainstream population of any given language does not itself speak. We talk about ‘graining’ in a tire; ‘shaving’ of tires and the depth of their ‘sipes’; or we discuss ‘over-steer’ and ‘under-steer’, in relationship to ‘trailing throttles’. We talk about ‘spooling’ in a ‘turbo’ and ‘fade’ in a brake. And who speaks this language in American english but us? Most people have no idea, and could care less about these distinctions. The language of cars is spoken by a small minority in any general population. I find it fun that Petrolicious decides to give us all of it, just as the word were spoken.

Edward Maguire
Edward Maguire
8 years ago

Great video, just wish I sprechen Deutsche, as I spent more time reading the translation then I did looking at the great Porsche’s.

Andrew Salt
Andrew Salt
8 years ago

Car, driver, story, and film.

8 years ago

Ich habe auch ein 964 Turbo. Ausgezeichnet! Rot und schnell.

Chris Ribbe
Chris Ribbe
8 years ago

One of the best car enthusiast stories that made it into a moving picture.
Hans-Michael Gerischer the 911 enthusiast from scratch … starting with the VW ‘Käfer’ and now building and racing his own 964.
Big screen photography + sound – glorious!

Mark McNeely
Mark McNeely
8 years ago

I know that envy may be frowned upon by some, but there is no other descriptor that I can use to express how I feel about this film. It is not simply that I am envious about Hans’ wonderful 964. Nor is it about the fact that he has achieved financial success throughout his endeavors. My envy is from the fact that Hans was able to turn his hobby and passion into a career. He molded precisely who he wanted to be and did it so.
Per usual, wonderful cinematography.

8 years ago

Petrolicious – that was sublime. Beautiful cinematography, fantastic blend of music and Exhaust roar. What’s the soundtrack? This is what car dreams are made of!

Passionate car owners are born from even the most unusual homes it’s true. Please keep bringing us these stories as we need them to hold us over during our winter months!

964’s are the chosen ones. Just ask Singer…

Alexandre Goncalves
Alexandre Goncalves
8 years ago

Beautiful and inspirational!

It’s nice to see someone whose family couldn’t give a ___ to cars, reaching this far with them – The seed will blossom despite the enviroment you’re raised in.

BTW, amazing soundtrack!! Very well chosen!

Erwan Brillot
Erwan Brillot
8 years ago

Can we get the musical credits?

Nice video indeed!

8 years ago

Awesome video and passion for the 964 turbo! GS you are correct re becoming the equal of a 964 turbo it will never happen. Loved the music that accompanies the video so well put together and beautifully shot as always Petrolicious thank you for making my Tuesday! Cannot find the sound track at the end does anyone know who it is?

Guitar Slinger
Guitar Slinger
8 years ago

Love the car [ who doesn’t love a RestoMod 911 .. especially a Turbo ? ] Enjoyed the video . But I’ll take serious issue with one thing Herr Gerischer said . One regardless of skill or experience NEVER becomes the equal of a 911 Turbo of any but the most present overly nannified era . The Turbo always having the better of the driver . Believing otherwise is a delusion that may well end up with dire consequences . And that gentlemen … is straight out of the mouth of the Porsche Meister himself ….. Walter Rohrl !