Journal: Vintage Outfits Are What Make The Goodwood Revival So Authentically Enjoyable

Vintage Outfits Are What Make The Goodwood Revival So Authentically Enjoyable

By Michael Banovsky
September 8, 2016

Photography by David Marvier & Nat Twiss

I can’t be alone in saying that I dislike “dressing up” for Halloween, and to be honest, a place has to be pretty special if I’m going to overlook the need to wear period-correct clothing. But what we’ve seen over the last few years of covering the Goodwood Revival is that the classic and classically-inspired outfits on display each year are one of the aspects we’ve come to enjoy the most.

Today’s the first official day for the Revival, and in our Instagram and Facebook coverage over the weekend, on the live stream, and in stories early next week—pay special attention to the vintage outfits worn by many in attendance.

First, the clothing perfectly compliments our “Drive Tastefully” ethos, and if you’re going to be seen at an event, why not look great? As we meet enthusiasts at the event each year—who are often dressed to the nines—we’re constantly astounded by the amount of time and effort that attendees spend on crafting the right Revival look. Classic flight attendant uniforms, military garb, racing suits, and  mechanics’ overalls are usually the most popular choices, and the ones that seem to blend in seamlessly at Goodwood.

Which vintage outfit have you worn to the Goodwood Revival?

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5 years ago

Before the sea sails do do mention the raising stars of the period.

5 years ago

But something weill defient;u biuce bacl in life nir

5 years ago

so far things are going good as of now.

Manuel Figueiredo
Manuel Figueiredo
7 years ago

Amazing. I just love the idea. Hope to go there, one day.

7 years ago

Ha! been a few times – last time I went in a rollneck jumper tonic 60s suit and trilby and my son went all MASH 4077. Every photo looks like a movie still.
But the sound…oh the sound.

Tom DesRochers
Tom DesRochers
7 years ago

I’ve not had the privilege of attending Goodwood, but I do like the idea of dressing in-the-period-of-your-vehicle. In my case that is jeans and a vintage Star Wars t-shirt. Mom bought my clothes oversize which means the shirt still (just) fits today.

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