The relationship between a car, its racing driver, and the track they’re on is a complex one. Winning at home always carries extra significance (look at footage of Senna after winning the 1991 Brazilian GP); winning at the Nordschleife requires immense bravery (and memory); diving two-wide into the esses of Mount Panorama will instantly reveal which side of the fight or flight response you fall on; and there’s a reason beyond the allure of luxury that puts so many racing drivers’ second homes in a little principality on the Mediterranean. But it’s not only those lucky few competing on these tracks that form connections to them, and the local oval that your dad took you to for your first experience with the sport can be just as significant as Monaco if not more so by way of sentimental strength. The race track, whichever one it may be, is so much more than tarmac and asphalt and gravel and Armco. To some they are gauntlets, to others they are destination vacations, and to people like us they are the engines of history just as much as the literal ones built to compete on them.
Rear View Prints understands the significance of a racing circuit, and their collection of prints featuring the world’s best of them is a schematically beautiful tribute that’s rendered in crisp, high-contrast black and white which gives each selection an appropriate sense of both permanence and precision. We added a heap of them to the Shop earlier this year, and we’re happy to add a handful to the growing collection, so if you missed Mount Panorama, Hockenheim, or Bahrain from the last batch, we’ve got ’em stocked in multiple sizes now. There’s no theme unifying this odd triplet of tracks, but they do cover a lot of literal and figurative ground between them, and in that sense they do an admirable job of showing the range that’s out there. From the first race track to host a Grand Prix in the Middle East, a lovable but fearsome oddball that gives the best rollercoasters a run for their money, to the current evolution of Germany’s historic Hockenheim that’s too often overshadowed by the longer track a few hours north. As was the case with the last batch of these, they come in a variety of sizing options, and make for great standalone pieces or collectibles.
Sizes available:
Standard Size (A3): 29.7 x 42cm / 11.7 x 16.5in
Premium Size (A2): 42 x 59cm / 16.5 x 23.4in
Premium Size (ST): 45.7 x 61cm / 18 x 24in
Note: Ships in 3-5 business days from Europe, please allow extra time for delivery.