Gurney Eagle Print Highlights Producer’s Creativity

By Petrolicious
November 25, 2014

Emmy-award-winning TV creative producer Tony Pierce’s wheelhouse includes motorsports, cars, motorcycles, and aviation. And he’s started to showcase his artistic pursuits–with varied subjects ranging from Bob Dylan’s Triumph to the ill-fated Edsel.

Featured here is a print of the famed AAR Eagle-Westlake Mk1, originally designed by Len Terry for Dan Gurney’s F1 Anglo-American Racers team. It is widely considered one of the most beautiful Formula One cars of all time and is the only American-built F1 car to ever win a race. Driven by Gurney to victory in the 1967 Belgian Grand Prix, he stands as one of only three drivers to win an F1 Grand Prix in a car of his construction.

The print measures 24” x 18” and is hand-screened by Kansas City’s La Cucaracha Press in white ink on French Paper Nightshift Blue heavy stock. Each is signed and numbered by Pierce and is available now at Pierce has also been kind enough to extend a discount to Petrolicious shoppers–be sure to enter the code ‘Petrolicious’ at checkout to receive the discount! Go get it now!

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Clayton Merchant
Clayton Merchant
10 years ago

For the record Petrolicious, Dan Gurneys AAR team stood for “All American Racers”, not “Anglo-American Racers as mentioned.

Clayton Merchant
Clayton Merchant
10 years ago

Let me clarify my statement. You’re right that the F1 Team which was using the Eagle Westlake and was based in Britain was using the “Anglo-American Racers” moniker, but the company as founded in 1964 was the All-American Racers.

Yoav Gilad
Yoav Gilad
10 years ago

Hi Clayton! Thanks for the comments, but as you pointed out we’re referring to the F1 team. Hope you liked the print though!

10 years ago

Wow, Mr. Martin. That has to be one of the most poorly-written critiques I have ever had the displeasure of suffering through.
I’m not sure which was worse: Your inane commentary on a piece of work that is clearly is born of someone’s passion, your miserable butchery of written English, or your oddly-placed and extremely transparent attempt to demonstrate to the entire Petrolicious audience that you have some personal connection to the site’s editor.
Perhaps you should take a break from teaching the world what creativity is and brush up on your grammar.

Err…Happy Thanksgiving indeed.

Benjamin Shahrabani
Benjamin Shahrabani
10 years ago

Nice stuff. If only there was a long sleeve T I would be all over this!

Keith Grey
Keith Grey
10 years ago

Love this! I will be grabbing a shirt and print for sure. I hold this car near and dear to my heart because I stare at it everyday. We are honored to be the current caretakers of the beautiful #36 Mag Ti car. 🙂 You can see her here:

As for the guy spouting off about how this is not creative or whatever he was rambling on about. This is spectacular! That’s the beauty of Art. Everyone see’s something different in their own mind. And in my mind this is spectacular!!!!

Christopher Gay
Christopher Gay
10 years ago
Reply to  Keith Grey

Thanks for sharing… nice little collection you’ve got over there. :p

I could spend some time pouring through quite a few of thems, starting with AAR104, of course.

Andrew Salt
Andrew Salt
10 years ago
Reply to  Keith Grey

Thanks for posting the link to the website. It would be great if Petrolicious could consider visiting the Insitute and make a video. That woud be something to see!

B Bop
B Bop
10 years ago

Cant seem to upload pic so here is the link

Andrew Salt
Andrew Salt
10 years ago
Reply to  B Bop

Simply stunning image!

B Bop
B Bop
10 years ago

Nice poster for the price. Here is an interesting perspective of the gurney Eagle taken by a good friend a few years ago at the Monterey Historics. I had it printed and mounted and hangs on my office wall


Christopher Gay
Christopher Gay
10 years ago
Reply to  B Bop

That IS a nice perspective. There’s some good history in that set of headers alone! Fine craftsmanship throughout!

Thanks for sharing the photo!

Citizens Against TJ Martin
Citizens Against TJ Martin
10 years ago

Mr. Martin, thank you for enlightening us with your knowledge of what passes as creative on this site. Once again you’ve shown us all how much of a elitist bottom feeder you are.

Now errr … let me take the time to enlighten us all on what an “Elitist” is because I think Mr. Martin fits the description to the utmost degree:

A person who believes that they are superior to others (and thus deserve favored status) because of their intellect, social status, wealth, or other factors.

Errr … Ok, now that we understand what Mr. Martin is, please Mr. Martin for the love of the universe, go start your own site and stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop putting your two-sense where is doesn’t belong. You give “gearheads” a bad name. Your constant commenting on this site gives me a bowel movement every morning. Stop it. Take your foot and shove it in your mouth.

Matthew Lange
10 years ago

For $30 I would hang that on my wall.

TJ Martin
TJ Martin
10 years ago

Creativity ? Errr … no . Call it ‘ Craft ‘ .. Decent ‘ craft at best … but still ‘ craft ‘ The word ‘ creativity ‘ implying some semblance of original thought and …. err … genuine creativity

As to this particular print .. errr …. if you’ve ever seen the Gurney Westlake Eagle F1 car in person … or even some well done photos or a quality painting of it … well … you’d understand why I say this is decent ‘ craft ‘ … at best ! This barely even capturing the basics of the car … never mind showing what an absolute stunner that the car is … in my [ never ever ] humble opinion …. THE most beautiful F1 car ever in the entire history of F1/GP racing

PS; To the Petrolicious staff [ all of ya’s ] As to the use of the word creativity here as well as other misused and over used terms of late . Look . I get it . We live in a zeitgeist that applauds revisionist definitions … especially amongst the ‘ ironic hipster ‘ set . But how’s about setting yourselves apart from the crowd as well as the tyranny of the majority … laying down a foundation of genuine ‘ individuality …

… and leaving the revisionism crap to those incapable of doing much of anything else other than to follow the crowd in lockstep like a bunch of Lemmings heading over the cliff .

I knows y’all have got it in ya’s … so hows about stepping up and letting the inner ‘ writers ‘ come to the fore … and leaving the rest to the mediocre minions unable to step out on the limb of genuine .. creativity ?

And err … Happy Thanksgiving …

FYI ; Yoav ? More snow here at the ski resorts than even we know what to do with this early in the season . Suggestion ? Seeing as how many times this early a season here has a habit of coming to an abrupt end ? Get yerself out here … sooner than later … Vail .. Steamboat Springs .. Crested Butte … and Wolf Creek being my recommendations depending on how much you want to spend and what it is .. facility and resort wise … yer looking for .

Cliff Lemming
Cliff Lemming
10 years ago
Reply to  TJ Martin

Dude, chill. It’s just a poster.

Super Guest
Super Guest
10 years ago
Reply to  TJ Martin

Errrrrrrrrrrrrrr ……………………… .