Made To Drive | S2 E1
Add A Ferrari Lusso to Your Morning Ritual
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Made To Drive | S02 E03

Fiat 500 Accelerates To The Speed Of Sunshine

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7 years ago

You Californians sure have it nice. Wife & I shipped our yellow Fiat across the country to drive PCH and visit Concorso a few years ago. There’s nothing quite like an Italian car, and a vintage Italian car is even more special. There’s style, and then there’s Italian style!

8 years ago

Hi Annetta,

What a great video, very inspiring!

I’m currently restoring my own 1969 500L and wondered what colour your car is? It’s a gorgeous yellow, is it an original fiat colour?

Jaime Baker
Jaime Baker
8 years ago

I really enjoyed this fantastic, inspiring video. As a father with three girls I love to see women enthusiasts featured. Fascinated with automobiles from childhood; I have spent the past twenty five years as BMW and Porsche mechanic and still get excited about what new challenge or reward the days work will bring. My wife and daughters are vintage car enthusiast as well. I am a very lucky man indeed!

Eddie Relvas
Eddie Relvas
11 years ago

I absolutely adored this video, it’s such a wonderful production, and it lets Annetta’s enthusiasm show through beautifully. The car is a joyous little piece of history and engineering, and it’s great to see someone enjoying it properly.
Could you please identify the first tune used in this video (in the garage/driving off scenes), as it captures the 60’s mood so nicely?

Simon Justin McCarthy
Simon Justin McCarthy
11 years ago

What a beautiful attitude to car ownership. It is fantastic to see that such a lovely little car is in the hands of someone who loves it so much and takes on the character of the time. The attention to detail is a credit to the both of you. Thank you for putting a smile on my face 🙂

11 years ago

What a beautiiful story behind this little yellow Luigi. I like Italian cars a lot. I hope I can drive such a lovely car later. Thanks Annetta and Petrolicious for making this video.

11 years ago

Hi fellow Petrolisti,

Thank you all for the positive feedback on the video. I had a great time being involved with the making of it and it seems to make people smile which makes me happy. I will share with you all a little cool detail on the car that was not covered in the video. On YouTube someone commented that the license plate was wrong. While I do own the original plates the car was delivered with in 1964 (which are currently not fitted), in reality the plate in the video is custom and pays homage to the ‘Cars’ character Luigi. My Fiat is exactly the model and trim level Disney used when making Luigi and in the movie (although it is only seen for a fraction of a second) his plate reads 445 108 which is the latitude and longitude co-ordinates of the Ferrari factory in Maranello Italy. I figured you guys would get a kick out of that.

Lots of love


Afshin Behnia
11 years ago
Reply to  Annetta


Thank you for being the star in this video! We love how it turned out, and the feedback has been all very positive. The only “hate mail” I’ve gotten has been from people in the market to buy a Fiat 500 who complain that we’ve just driven the prices up 🙂



8 years ago
Reply to  Annetta

What a great video, very inspiring!

I’m currently restoring my own 1969 500L and wondered what colour your car is? It’s a gorgeous yellow, is it an original fiat colour?

Duane Hand
Duane Hand
7 years ago
Reply to  Annetta

I absolutely love this video and share it once a year on FB. I’d love to know where you got the keychain. I have a 2014 500c with Luigi license plates because that’s what my grandsons named the car. It’s probably no longer available but would love to get my hands on one. My email address is: duano55@gmail.com. Thanks.


Vincent P
Vincent P
11 years ago

Wow, this takes me back to the mid 90s while in college I drove a beautiful 1970 VW Type 3. My now wife and I would get all dressed up just to take a ride up to the mountain and back. It so special when a can can transport you to a different place and time.

11 years ago

It seems unlikely now that I’ll ever have a 250GT Lusso, but many years ago my family did own a Positano Yellow Fiat 500D and this video so makes me wish I still had it!

11 years ago

Ciao bella!

That squeaky clean garage floor is highly suspect, though.

Ae Neuman
Ae Neuman
11 years ago

what a charming video !
happy car indeed.
how could you not have a smile on your face with this little beauty


Matthew Lange
11 years ago

I thought you wouldn’t be able to top the 250 Lusso video, but this one comes surprisingly close. Very cool car and a beautifully shot video. Hey maybe the perfect video would of had the Lusso and the Fiat in it?

Afshin Behnia
11 years ago
Reply to  Matthew Lange

Thanks, Matt! Just goes to show, there are so many interesting and inspiring connections between people and their vintage cars.

Rip Curl
Rip Curl
11 years ago

Just a fantastic video with a perfect music selection. I can’t imagine how you could not smile and feel happy after seeing this one. Great job guys.

Rodney Wren
Rodney Wren
11 years ago

I love it. Wow every week you guys make me want a different car. Thanks and keep them coming.