We’re Headed to Paramount Ranch, LA Pop Culture Landmark
In less than two short weeks, Drive Tastefully: Paramount Ranch, presented by Classic Car Capital, will descend on its namesake. But what, and where, is Paramount Ranch? It’s a former movie studio shoot location in the rugged hills outside of Los Angeles that has been used off-and-on since 1927. Primarily used as a backdrop for Western TV shows and movies, Paramount was used as a location for such movies as The Last Outlaw (with Gary Cooper) and the 1938 version of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, as well as TV shows like The A-Team, Charlie’s Angels, and Dukes of Hazzard.
But Paramount Ranch is famous for another reason too and if you look hard enough, you can still see evidence of the racing that took place here in the 1950s. That’s right, Paramount Ranch was also a track for a short period. It was only in business for eighteen months beginning in 1956, the track saw three fatal accidents during its brief life. The final fatality apparently convinced people that it was too dangerous to race.
If you’re curious about what the track was like, you can check it out in the 1957 film, The Devil’s Hairpin. Regardless, we’ll be there on Saturday, November 15 enjoying lunch, checking out each others’ cars, and relaxing after our drive. If you haven’t yet, sign up!
Image Sources: nps.gov, racingsportscars.com, photobucket.com, vintage-sportscar-photos.com, nps.gov, mossmotoring.com, vintage-sportscar-photos.com, pinupsandkustoms.com, blogspot.com, vintage-sportscar-photos.com, ferrariexperts.com